When making a product, the most important thing is to use quality raw materials, that is why the main ingredients of Primitivo Picó nougat are consciously chosen, and all the flavor and quality of our products depend on them.
First of all, if we must talk about an essential element in the production of nougat, it is almonds, the main ingredient in most of our nougats, except for the extra peanut nougat, which is replaced by peanuts. This dry fruit so characteristic of nougat whole, ground, sprinkled on top, in small pieces … it provides an unbeatable flavor and texture. With their great nutritional properties, almonds provide a large amount of calcium, vitamin E, energy …
Another characteristic ingredient of our nougat and that adds a sweet touch is honey. Pure bee honey from the most select hives, this honey is cooked and incorporated into the toasted or peeled almonds to form that mass to which another main ingredient is added, the egg white, which provides consistency. Both honey, almonds, egg white, are Mediterranean products loaded with flavor and benefits for our health.
Since the beginnings of the manufacture of nougat, which date its beginnings for more than five centuries, almonds and honey have been the main ingredients. Over time, other types of products have been innovated, derived from the original hard and soft almond nougat, in which the only thing that has been done is to add other types of ingredients to the original recipe, chocolate, fruit. glazed, walnuts …
Although, whatever the type of nougat, the quality of the raw materials used in its preparation as well as the careful manufacturing process, which follows the recipes of our ancestors, makes our products a true pleasure for the senses.